
Hub Self Care Employees Staying Healthy

Staying Healthy

  Josephine R. Lejos-Cruz, POLCA


To remain in good mental state is to keep a healthy body.In time of uncertainty, we need to pause and think calmly of what we must do to keep ourselves sane and healthy. We must remember that we need to stay in good health to reduce the risk of developing certain physical and mental conditions.   

We always must choose a path that would improve our health.

  Healthy diet.

It is to have the right food at the right amount. Always have enough of the Go, Grow and Glow food on your plate.

  Regular Exercise.  

Always find time to get exercise. Start gradually at your own pace. Twice a week for 10 minutes at a time is better than nothing at all. If you can do it five times a week for at least 30 minutes each time, that is already a good target. Challenge yourself to increase the amount of time you exercise. To make your exercise more enjoyable, do it with your family and/or friends.

  Breathe fresh air.

Get out of your room and clean your lungs by inhaling and releasing toxins of your body by exhaling.

  Rest and Sleep.

Let our mind and body recover from mental and physical exhaustion. Our body requires at least eight hours of sleep a day to rejuvenate.


Laugh aloud. As we always hear, laughter is the best medicine. It stimulates the circulation of endorphins, which is slangy known as happy hormones. Thus, laughing relaxes our body and decreases pain.


  Do not let stress pull you down. Write down, sing out, dance away all your worries. Do something that you genuinely enjoy. There is no one who would take care for you except yourself.


  Pray to God to give you health in body and mind so you may always stay a blessing to others.