
Hub Self Care Students Prayer and Photography: A Guide to Self Care and Spirituality

Prayer and Photography: A Guide to Self Care and Spirituality

  Sr. Jenny Mhy-sy Vasa

Prayer and Photography: A Guide to Self Care and Spirituality

Photography is a great hobby to take up if you are looking for a way to relieve your stresses and appreciate the beauty of creation. It is also a wonderful way to strengthen your faith.

As a SERVE volunteer, my Self-Care routine includes prayer, reading self-help books, and taking photographs to help her connect with her inner self and enrich her spirituality.

I channel most of the time my creativity during Self-Care Week through photography, particularly mobile photography (iPhone 6s). Photography makes me appreciate every single element of God's creation that surrounds us. It's just a matter of witnessing and appreciating every beauty that is around us, may it be tangible or intangible.

Every photo that I capture has its unique charm and a different story.

It makes me realize and value more the beauty that God allowed me to witness in that particular moment. Since everything that we see around us is all passing, capturing such a moment or object will serve as memorabilia which is priceless.

I owe my talent to God and this makes it hard for me to put my feelings to words. Through photography, I am able to convey my gratitude to Him. At the same time, I use my talents as an opportunity to share the joy with others.

If my words aren't heard by many praising the Lord or if my actions aren't visible serving Him, let my photos convey my message to others that glorifying God can be also through photography.