
Hub Self Care Students Youth and Nature: How Caring for the Planet is Self Care

Youth and Nature: How Caring for the Planet is Self Care

  Ruth Antoinette Chin, LS Verde President

Youth and Nature: How Caring for the Planet is Self Care

Man has a strong connection with nature. This makes people intricately linked to the environment. This is why caring for oneself also includes caring for our Common Home.

Caring for the environment is deeply connected with caring for one's self If every member of the community strives to take care of our common home, does environmental actions that aim to restore the pristine state of nature, aims to protect and preserve the flora and fauna species in it, and makes it a point to not degrade the environment by throwing wastes, polluting the land, air, and water resources, we are also ensuring a safe environmental space for everyone in the community.

As part of a group that advocates for sustainability and the environment, living in a pollution-free environment allows everyone to breathe the freshest air, drink the freshest water, and set foot on the cleanest ground. Thus, if we do take care of the environment, we are also taking care, not only of ourselves but of others' we/I-being as well.

Young people can still do their part for the environment even during a pandemic.

Some simple ways to do it include segregating waste, saving electricity and water, reusing and recycling, as well as limiting the purchase of non-essential products that would only generate more waste. She also recommended growing vegetables at home and maintaining clean surroundings too.