
Hub Self Care Partners Pause and Reflect

Pause and Reflect

  Angie Chui


The observance of Lent presents the perfect opportunity to pause and take a moment to reflect about ourselves, our goals, and our spirituality.

Reflection is an important part of growing as a Christian. It gives us time to evaluate ourselves, our habits, and our actions so that we can get closer to God and become better instruments to share his message to the world – to become agents of love, kindness and compassion.

Reflection helps us identify where we are lacking in order to address our issues and work on them. It requires careful thought and honesty. It helps us learn from our errors to come out better, if we so choose.

As we take time to reflect, recollect, and evaluate our shortcomings, we also explore opportunities to become more human -- What role do we play in our relationship with God, our family members, our community members? Have we been lacking in silent moments to commune with the Lord or thank Him for our blessings? Have we been neglectful of our planet by engaging in practices that are convenient but not responsible? Have we been looking beyond our homes for opportunities to help those in need? Have we been too focused on material things that we have forgotten what is truly important?

The answers to these are food for thought. But one thing is for sure. Lent is a time to look deep within ourselves and look at the part we play in the grand scheme of things. And boy, is it exciting!