
Hub Self Care Partners Balancing Self Care and Parenting

Sharing and Compassion

  Angie Chui


One of the pillars of Lent is the act of Almsgiving. Simply put, it is a practice of strengthening our love for others. It also helps us decrease our attachment to material things and molds us to become instruments of social justice.

In his message to the faithful during Lent in 2020, Pope Francis appealed for compassion for those who are in dire need.

“There is a need to appeal to men and women of goodwill to share, by almsgiving, their goods with those most in need, as a means of personally participating in the building of a better world. Charitable giving makes us more human, whereas hoarding risks making us less human, imprisoned by our own selfishness,” he said.

The message rings true, especially given the current world situation where nations move to recover from the pandemic, but face the new challenge of the impact of war in some parts of the world. There is no shortage of people who need good will. And as we reflect on the meaning of Lent, we should also use the opportunity to take action. Here are some acts of charity you can perform this Lent.

  Donate to the Needy

There are many charitable institutions and relief drives for those who are suffering from poverty or those who are recovering from disasters. Share some of your resources to help these individuals and families get through hardship.

  Share Your Time

Volunteerism is also one way to reach out to those in need. Use your skills to tutor a child virtually. Use your creativity to drive attention to social issues you support. Spend time with the elderly who need care and compassion. Your simple act of kindness can go a long way.

  Reach out and show that you care.

Do you have a neighbor or friend who is overwhelmed with responsibilities? Give them a hand. Do you know someone who needs a pick me up? Write them a note of affirmation.