
Hub Self Care Students How Your Lenten Sacrifice Can Help Save the Planet

How Your Lenten Sacrifice Can Help Save the Planet

  Angie Chui

Socializing Made Simple

During the 40-day period of Lent, the faithful embark on a practice called Lenten sacrifice where, for the duration of the season, they voluntarily renounce luxuries and pleasurable activities. This takes its roots from the act of fasting associated with the time of Lent.

As the world reels from the impact of climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, deforestation, and marine degradation, Christians are mobilized into action to engage in sustainable practices to save the planet.

This Lent, sacrificing the convenience presented by some items in our lives that are unhealthy to the environment could be a good way to start becoming champions of Mother Nature.

  Stop eating meat.

Start a meat-free diet this Lent to see if you could get behind the vegan lifestyle. According to PETA, vegans generate a smaller volume of greenhouse gases compared to meat-eaters based on the type of food they consume.

  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

 Opt for reusable containers and bags instead of single-use plastics that contribute to the burgeoning ocean waste that threatens the lives of marine life. A recent study conducted in the US indicated that on average, Americans ingest 72,000 particles of microplastics yearly from their seafood consumption. This is the remnant of the trash that the fish consume in the ocean.

  Fast from splurging.

This Lent would be the perfect time to put the brakes on your impulse spending that only add more clutter and waste to your space. Donate your money to a worthwhile cause instead.

  Opt for carbon-free transport.

Sure, it’s faster and more convenient to travel by car but this Lent, you could opt to minimize your carbon footprint by traveling by bike or simply walking to nearby locations. Rather than drive your vehicle, you can also opt for the public commute to reduce carbon footprint.