
Hub Self Care Students Socializing Made Simple

Socializing Made Simple

  Pauline Osia

Socializing Made Simple

Socializing is one of the ways of taking care of oneself. As humans are naturally social beings, building connections and relationships with other people are crucial. However, social self-care is not just about talking for the sake of ‘socialization’; it is about nurturing our relationship with others. How about the introverts? Well, everyone has their levels of the need to connect, therefore introverts need social self-care as well. 

People tend to overlook social self-care due to an overwhelming schedule. And when this happens, we automatically say ‘no’ to finish the things that we need to attend to and have more time for ourselves. But still, making time for your family, loved ones, and friends are vital.

Social self-care does not need to be grand; to put it into words, it is having fun with the people you love. It may be through a simple video call with a family member or a coffee date with your best friend. Here are some activities that you might want to try when practicing social self-care:

  Catch up with your friends

This can be done virtually, or for a better option, you could meet up with them! It is also critical to connect with them emotionally.

  Host a game night.

 Playing with your family can also be an option for your social self-care. Keeping a healthy relationship with your family members or your uncles, aunties, and cousins is also important.

  Join an Online Support Group.

Talking with people to who you can relate the most is also a good option.

  Play with your pet.

Let us not forget our furry paw-rends and show them some love! Cuddling and playing with them is both beneficial for you and them.

Indeed, social self-care is essential. Social self-care does not just help you thrive on the connection you have with others, because it also helps you become a better person.