The Museo de La Salle will be hosting a lecture workshop entitled Curated Learning: Teaching Strategies for Collection-Based Classroom Teaching on May 7 at 1 pm.
Why should classroom teachers use museums as part of their teaching “tools”? What pedagogical strategies do museums use to engage students inside and outside museum? How can school teachers use Curated Learning strategies in their classrooms? These are just some of the questions that will be addressed in this two-hour participatory workshop on using Curated Learning strategies for collections-based classroom teaching.
This workshop is informed by Ethel Villafranca’s PhD research, Curated Learning, at the University of Melbourne. Curated learning is a pedagogical approach that involves purposeful selection, manipulation, and use of objects and spaces within a learning environment to set up conditions for students’ deep learning
For inquiries, please call Museo at (046) 4811940 or email through