DLSU-D iCON features DLSU-D Alumni who live out their Lasallian identity and mission .
The ALJEH is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing studies on education and humanities.
This award-winning campus paper reports on news and issues concerning students...
La Estrella Verde is the official campus publication of the DLSU-D Senior High School.
Lasallian Giving is published by the Advancement and Alumni Relations Office to provide updates...
The Newsette is the official newsletter published bi-monthly by the Strategic Communications Office.
Research Monitor is the official news publication of the University Research Office (URO).
Rotunda is the University’s official publication for over thirty years, managed by the SCO.
Vicissitude is the DLSU-D Yearbook that features the schoolyear's roster of graduates.
NSPIRE is the official newsletter for Student Programs, Initiatives, and Recent Engagements.