The Advancement and Alumni Relations Office(AARO) and the Office of the Vice Chief Administrative Officer for Mission, External Affairs and Advancement (OVCMEAA) will be holding its Serbisyong Lasalyano events on March 14 and 16 as part of its bid to serve the Lasallian community.
CEDULA Mobile Application (March 14 and 16, 2018)
Date: March 14 and 16, 2018; (9am to 3pm)
Venue: Alumni Conference Room B
- School ID
- Voter’s ID
- Driver’s License
- Postal ID
- Fee: Php 20.00
PSA Certificates Mobile Application (March 14 and 16, 2018)
Date: March 14 and 16, 2018; (9am to 2pm)
Venue: Alumni Conference Room B
- Birth Certificate - Php 155.00
- Marriage Certificate - Php 155.00
- Death Certificate - Php 155.00
- CENOMAR - Php 210.00
Postal ID Mobile Application (March 14 and 16, 2018)
Date: March 14 and 16, 2014; (9am to 3pm)
Venue: Alumni Conference Room B
- (For Students)
- Application form
- School ID (Photocopy)
- Birth Certificate (Original and Photocopy)
- Fee: Php 504.00
- (For Non-students)
- Application form
- Any valid ID (Photocopy)
- Birth Certificate (Original and Photocopy)
- Marriage Certificate, if married (Original and Photocopy)
- Barangay Clearance (Original and Photocopy)
- Fee: Php 504.00
SSS Number (E-1) Mobile Application (March 16, 2018)
Date: March 16, 2018; (9am to 3pm)
Venue: Alumni Office
-Bring any of the following documents:
- Birth certificates (original and photocopy)
- Baptismal certificate (original and photocopy)
- Passport (original and photocopy)
For more information, please visit the Advancement and Alumni Relations Office(AARO) at Ground Floor, Alumni Office or contact them at +63 (46) 481.1939 local 3161.