Museo de La Salle will host URNA 2.0, a travelling exhibition of the works of Wilfredo Offemaria Jr. from February 14 to March 31, 2018. The exhibit is also supported by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts-National Committee on Art Galleries (NCAG) and The Artillery.
Wilfredo Offemaria, Jr.'s latest solo exhibition hints at the artist’s shift from his previous exhibition where he reimagined the retablo—the grandiose centerpiece of the church interior, to refiguring the urna—similarly an altar, but used in smaller and more intimate traditions.
Offemaria plays with the metaphorical tendencies of religion where he recognized Christianity as a religion filled with, and built on significations that hold and employ narratives and rituals, which resist from being understood at a superficial level. These significations demand critical eyes and interpretations.
An ART TALK by Offemaria is scheduled on 13 March 2018, 10am. For inquiries and reservations, call Museo at (046) 4811940 or (02) 7795180 local 3151.