Br. Robert Schieler, FSC has called on Lasallians to reflect on their Lasallian vocations and respond to new and emerging needs in the world as part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the death of St. John Baptist de La Salle.
In his message, Br. Schieler shared that the Lasallian tercentenary is an opportunity to acknowledge, appreciate and support the thousands of men and women who are living the Lasallian vocations through their own charism. He also called on the Brothers to “consciously, creatively and consistently invite young people into our community to experience our life as Brothers.”
Lasallians are currently celebrating the tercentenary of the death of the Founding Father which is also known as the year of Lasallian vocations. Brother Robert Schieler, FSC is the Superior General of Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the largest order of religious Brothers in the Church dedicated to education and is the 27th successor of St. John Baptist de La Salle.