With the grace of God, we, in the Campus Ministry, hope to appropriate for the DLSU-D community the ecclesial experience of the first Christian community who "devoted themselves to the apostle's instruction and communal life, to the breaking of the bread and prayers (Acts 2:42ff)."
By association, through meaningful and dynamic experiences, community building activities and various means of evangelization, we shall journey together towards becoming a people of God in our campus. Come and see!
A Christian community living out the Lasallian core values of Faith, Zeal for Service and Communion.
To animate and accompany the DLSU-D community towards an experience of being a Church in Campus
Campus Peer Ministers
The Campus Peer Ministers are students who grow and mature in their faith through character building, living the Gospel values, and developing a Christian lifestyle in the spirit of Faith, Zeal for Service, and Communion in Mission.
Campus Ministry Co – Animators
The co–animators of the Campus Ministry are our faculty and staff volunteers who offer their time and talent to serve the different ministries of the Campus Ministry so as to live the experience of being a Church on Campus.
Spiritual-Pastoral Formation Committee
The Spiritual-Pastoral Formation Committee assists the Campus Ministry in the implementation of its faith and formation programs and activities. They meet regularly to coordinate and share spiritual development and initiatives for mutual support and cooperation.