Guided by the Lasallian core values of Faith, Zeal and Communion, the Student Engagement Program shall focus on directing the students to strongly immerse themselves in various projects and activities led by the Office of Student Services (OSS), and other units with student engagement activities and projects such as: Campus Ministry Office (CMO), Lasallian Community Development Center(LCDC), Campus Sustainability Office (GAEM), University Lasallian Formation Office (ULFO), University Student Government (USG), Council of Student Organizations (CSO), Museo De La Salle, Advancement and Resource Generation Office and Linkages and Scholarship Offices (LO).
The course shall not be part of students’ curriculum but shall be treated as a requirement for freshmen and transferees in securing clearance upon finishing their bachelor’s program.
It shall be divided into five parts namely: Orientation, Student Engagement Exposition, Structured Immersion – Passport Completion, Evaluation and Recognition, as well as a final Culminating Activity.